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Inbound to our warehouse

1 Mins read

Hi all,

Today we received 4 transfer note from DHL Jakarta. It consist of aluminium feeder, direction antenna and other material for project NTS. A material delievered by 9 fuso.

So, I think this week we will deliever to many site. But last week we must do 4th quarter of Huawei stock counting.

For stock count preparation, warehouse A and F is already do stock count on sunday, and the result is verry good, because Luqman already prepared a week ago on warehouse F and Andreas on warehouse A. Both of warehouse has complete with stock card and label. But any material still didn’t have complete identification like packing list,case or item number. But we manage this material by excell.

So, this week we will preparation all about stock counting.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss…!

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