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Epic Sale for Students Vacation with More Experiences

2 Mins read
students vacation

If you are a student from college or still in high school, Epic Sale from Traveloka will make your holiday cheaper. Why is that so? Because the discounts for your staycation place will make the price more affordable. 

What Can a Student Do During Vacation?

Many students from colleges or high schools like to have a good vacation in a hotel. They prefer the hotel because it is cozy and the spots are Instagrammable. Nowadays, social media is one of the best places to make someone more confident. Therefore, some teenagers or young adults prefer hotels to any other places.

So, what can you do during vacation? You can enjoy a relaxing time. Some guests can swim in the hotel and take a rest. If you want to be more energized, you can do some sports. You can also have some time to get inspiration. Culinary is a good choice too when you are in a hotel. You can choose some Chinese food, Western food, or cakes. So, not only the main course, but you can also have a dessert or appetizer. 

Save More Money With The Discounts

If you have a plan to go to Singapore, it will be great for students. Because the students from colleges and high schools can go to some educational destination. For example, Singapore Indoor Stadium, the museum, and Merlion Statue. 

You can also go to Universal Studio Singapore for fun. So, it is not only about the holiday for education, but also fun. Some Hotel Promotion Singapore will give you an extra discount for holiday. Some needs can you list in a vacation plan. For example, you have to list some money for hotels, flights, or any other activity of fun. 

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You should list the budget for flights too. Some people take shuttle flights to make sure that the schedule will be better. It is a great idea, especially when you are a student that has so many plans. Not only opinions, of course, but you also have a strict date of classes. So, shuttle flights will be very good. 

Some Informations About Epic Sale From Traveloka

Epic Sale from Traveloka is the answer to make sure that you can save more money during the holiday. At the beginning of October 2021, there will be many discounts and promos that give some deals. A great deal that will you get discounts for some Xperience. Not only that, you can get 80% discounts on some hotels too. 

Do you have a plan to stay in five stars hotel? If you do, take the advantage of this promo and make sure that you will have that experience. Tell your friend and plan a holiday together this month. So, you can get many discounts and make your vacations cheaper. 

Of course, it will be great for students, right? So, you can go to many places. You can also take many Instagramable photos and see the beautiful landscapes. From the hotel restaurant, you can eat delicious signature food and drinks with a cheaper budget. Interesting, isn’t it? 

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