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Moving injuries and how to avoid getting injured

3 Mins read
how to avoid getting injured

Moving a house is one of the most demanding jobs in the world. Things become more complicated when you choose to DIY and avoid professional help. Besides dealing with the emotional stress of leaving a place and settling down in a completely new town, the moving chores themselves are too physically draining to allow you to be sane once the project is over. You have to check how much movers cost per hour, what would be the best time to move, and what different moving services are and then there is always a chance of getting injured when moving.

Yes, you read that right! You can get injured when moving a house and the injury can be pretty serious. Wondering how that would happen. Well, you would be lifting and moving a wide range of large and heavy stuff which might leave you physically strained. Any wrong endeavor and you have a muscle cramp or a back pain that won’t leave for several months or maybe lifelong.

So, what are the common moving injuries?

To avoid moving injuries in the first place, you will need to know what they are, in this post we have explained common moving injuries and how to avoid them so that you can have a safe relocation experience.

  1. Back injuries
    This is one of the most common moving injuries and every second project has someone who gets their back hurt during the process. However, it is very important to prevent a back injury because it can get worse in no time. The back is a very important part of our body and when it gets injured, it might result in a lot of complications including mobility concerns, and lifelong impairment.

    Back injuries happen when you recklessly lift heavy items. While you would have to move heavy and large items when moving home, you need to know the right technique to do so. To avoid a back injury, you must:
    • Use moving equipment to lift large and bulky items.
    • Pack more boxes than making one large and heavy box.
    • Bend your knees while lifting a heavy item and then lift it slowly and gradually instead of in one go.
    • Ask for help from family and friends.
    • Hire professional moving services to avoid any controversy in the first place

  2. Broken bones
    After back injuries, if people complain about any other injury, that is broken bones. Because there is a lot of packing, lifting, and moving involved in the moving process, it is easy to get something wrong and end up with a broken bone. Fractures like broken fingers, toes, and bones in the arm are common but can be avoided.
    • Wear gloves to avoid loose grip and items slipping from your hand.
    • Pack lighter boxes.
    • Make a clear pathway from boxes to the moving truck.
    • Tape seal the bottom of the boxes to avoid breakage and items falling out.

  3. Neck and shoulder injuries
    Back injuries often lead to injuries in the neck and shoulder and are associated with heavy lifting. Sprained muscles, pinched nerves. Torn muscles and nerves, broken collar bone, and dislocation are included in this type of injury. You can always avoid these injuries by choosing the right moving company for help. However, if you want to stick to a DIY move, you must:
    • Avoid slips and falls by clearing the pathways.
    • Use gloves and safety equipment to avoid strain on the neck and shoulder.
    • Take time to complete moving tasks and never lift a box in a jiffy.

  4. Knee and ankle injuries
    Again, you can get this type of injury if you do not use the right technique or perform a task in rush. Sprained ankle, torn muscles, and knee pain are associated with unprofessionally dealt moving chores. To avoid being on medicines lifelong, you must:
    • Not pick up moving boxes in a rush and one go.
    • Bend your knees to avoid excess stress on them.
    • Use lifting dollies and other equipment to make the tough job easier.
    • Pack lighter boxes to avoid excess stress.

  5. Cuts and scrapes
    You will have to pack a large number of items and this includes sharp objects. While packing and moving such items, you must ensure that you do not touch the sharp edge unnecessarily. You will find such risky items primarily in your kitchen, garage, tool shed, and toolbox.  Avoid cuts and scrapes by:
    • Wearing protective equipment while packing them.
    • Using the right packing supply for sharp objects which is packing peanuts, bubble wrap, etc.
    • Cover your body with a layer of clothes and avoid exposure.
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Getting injured while moving is common but while small injuries can be tolerated, a big accident can lead to major shortcomings in life, these are some common moving injuries that you must watch out for and avoid at any cost. Use the tips and ensure that you stay safe and protected as you pack and move to your new home.

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Saat ini bekerja di perusahaan home furnishing. Hobi jalan-jalan, makan dan bersepeda.
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